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Third Annual Graduate English Conference: Crime and Criminality

(April 1-2, 2016, University of South Carolina)

We are currently welcoming submissions, which should include a 250 word abstract. This year, rather than panel presentations, we will host a series of seminars. Seminars will provide participants the opportunity for a collaborative conversation around a particular topic. Each seminar will be capped at 15 participants and will be run by faculty with expertise in the topic. Each participant will submit a five-page position paper before the conference to be read and commented on in advance by the other participants; time in the seminar itself will be reserved for discussion.


Topics should focus on styles and forms of criminality, including but not limited to:


Slavery, violence, piracy, fraud, counterfeiting, outlaws and the frontier, colonialism and its aftermaths, radicalism and political violence, hate speech, homicide, rape culture, war, dissent, the logic of transgression, the role of legal institutions, discipline and punishment, incarceration, exile, international law, ethics, cultural differences in notions of criminality, ethnic violence, violence against women, violence against sexual minorities, financial crime.


Single paper abstracts should be 250 words. Please send all proposals to and be sure to include your full name, contact information, and institutional affiliation.


The deadline for proposal submissions is February 1, 2016.

Notification of acceptance will occur no later than February.


Keynote Speakers

Dr. Eli Jelly-Schapiro, USC
(English Literature)
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